I’m going to run 5k around its flat, ugly top

I’m going to run 5k around its flat, ugly top

“We think, mistakenly, that success comes from the quantity of work that we put in, instead of the quality.” Ariana Huffington 3rd April – Days to go on 100 days dry: 10. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 43 Actually, the exact quote from ‘Interval...
And now we wait.

And now we wait.

2nd April – Days to go on 100 days dry: 11. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 44 “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Buddha The trouble with setting targets with a fixed date and then working...
So, anyway…

So, anyway…

24th Mar – Days to go on 100 days dry: 19. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 52 “When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going.” Roy T. Bennett I feel like a bit of a fraud. Things are progressing well, but it’s...
And then, all of a sudden.

And then, all of a sudden.

10th Mar – Days to go on 100 days dry: 33. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 66 “You must be very polite with yourself when you are learning something new.” Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love. I reread a post where I hadn’t been able to finish the...
Week 9 distance walk 6.5 hours – 19 miles

Week 9 distance walk 6.5 hours – 19 miles

“Remember, no obstacles, only challenges.” Ernie, Groove 5th March The challenge this week was to get to 30km, which left me a little nervous, until I reviewed some of my previous walks and realised that this was only a couple of miles longer than the walk...
Officially a Statistic

Officially a Statistic

“Never theorise before you have the data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes 28th Feb – Days to go on 100 days dry: 43. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 76 I read a...