Week 6 distance walk 5.5 hours – 13.2 miles

Week 6 distance walk 5.5 hours – 13.2 miles

“Remind yourself that striving can be more important than arriving.” Marvin J. Ashton 12th Feb The aim for this walk was 5.5 hours out. #littleDacombe joined me again this week, but we left #dogbeast at home. We picked a new route, working around the...
Wall. Street. Crash.

Wall. Street. Crash.

“Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.” Kara Goucher 9th Feb – Days to go on 100 days dry: 62. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 95 It had to happen. Whilst I have only...
Planning it all out.

Planning it all out.

“You know what I’ve noticed? Nobody panics when things go “according to plan”. Even if the plan is horrifying!” Joker, Batman: The Dark Knight 8th Feb – Days to go on 100 days dry: 63. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 96 It took me all...
Mental role-play

Mental role-play

“The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.” William Blake, Proverbs of Hell. 6th Feb – Days to go on 100 days dry: 65. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 98 There is so much...
Week 5 distance walk 4.5 hours – 12.5 miles

Week 5 distance walk 4.5 hours – 12.5 miles

“I have to compete against myself to be better than who I was yesterday.” Nimsdai Purja 5th Feb The aim for this weeks long distance walk was 5 hours. I didn’t make it. Not through want of trying, but the route I had picked out clocked in at 15.5...
Lighting the fire

Lighting the fire

4th Feb – Days to go on 100 days dry: 67. Days until the Dartmoor Way: 100 “It’s a fine line between standing behind a principle and hiding behind one.” President Thomas J. Whitmore, Independence Day. I am not a massive fan of fad diets, I have...