Day 1.

It started well, was brilliant in the middle and the ending was superb. A great kick off activity for the 108 miles around Dartmoor. We kicked off in Okehampton at 12:30 and walked the short 9 miles to Lydford, where we are staying at the Castle Inn currently. Great pub, superb rooms and brilliant staff. Would definately recommend.

Couple of false starts at the outset. I took the wrong road out of Okehampton. (Navigation is my responsibility, isotonic drinks is MIke’s!) but we soon got back on track and made our way across Okehampton Golf Club and into the moor proper.

Another slight deviation meant that we had to backtrack slightly to traverse Meldon Viaduct, but boy! Was that worth it!

A short rain squall meant that we had to don our wet weather gear about 3 in the afternoon, but it was over before it started and we made the descent into Lydford for about 4pm. Couple of pints of Jail Ale to finish the day off, but all in all, a great start to the week.

Day 2

Was brutal, no two ways about it. The ascent into Dartmoor proper just kept going. Incredible scenery and the view of Belton Church was superb, albeit, a long way away. I painted it some months before I even thought about walking Dartmoor. We met in Tevistock for lunch and set out in the afternoon to get to the Dewerstone carpark, where I used to climb many moons ago.

Day 3

The trip to Ivybridge, and then onto Shipley Bridge in the afternoon. It got pretty bleak on the moor itself, but we were soon wrapped in waterproofs and not really paying that much attention to anything around us. The ground underfoot was punishing and I wasn’t sure I was going to like the look of what was happening to my feet. True enough, when I got the hotel that evening, my worst fears were realised. I had a word with my stockbroker and bought shares in a blister plaster company. Or at least, that’s what it felt like. We stayed in South Brent and were treated to a cracking meal and some local folk music.

Day 4

Tech failure! Nothing recorded, nothing to show for our efforts. But we were joined by a number of people for the walk itself. Moving onto Asburton for lunch and then pushing to Bovey Tracy. The scenery was good, the food was incredible, but the company was even better.

Day 5

Bovey to Mortenhampstead and then onto Chagford. Coming around the shoulder of the Dartmoor Way felt incredible, we had company in the morning, but were left with just Mike and I in the afternoon as we pushed onto Chagford. The treat of which was being joined by family for the last evening. #littleDacombe and the old’ uns met us for dinner in Chagford.

Day 6

The last push. Chagford to Okehampton. Brilliantly met by #littleDacombe about hald way through the walk. We ended up walking into Okehampton about 1-ish. Chocolate brownies, coffee and a snooze in the car on the way home. Just brilliant.